“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25 (NIV)


Living in Louisiana, I have witnessed firsthand, more times than I can count, what it is to be in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm.  Being so close to the Gulf of Mexico, storms can crop up at any time of year.  What was predicted to be small, miniscule rain showers can suddenly turn into deadly torrents with wind gusts that can knock down 100-year-old oak trees rooted into the depths of the earth!  As I type this now, we are experiencing this type of storm with lightning, thunder, wind gusts and a torrential downpour.  In fact, Mia just rounded the corner from the carport to the back porch where I’m sitting, soaking wet! 


“Where have you been?!” I shrieked with sudden worry, thinking that she had walked in this storm from one of her cousins’ houses. She jumped as I scared her, too!  (She wasn’t expecting me to be sitting outside during this storm.)


“I was wiping down the golf cart under the carport, and I just walked straight around here. It’s raining so hard, Mom!”


I guess living in a place where storms are frequent, even though sometimes dangerous, I enjoy watching, feeling the wind and mist and hearing the sound of the rain.  Of course, I’m under the protection of my back porch, which has three solid walls and a secure roof.  I feel safe.  On the other hand, at the same time, my 19-year-old son, Cole, was driving home from Mississippi in the rain.  If you’re a parent, you understand the battle I’ve had the past few minutes between wanting to call him to make sure he’s okay and not wanting to call him for fear of distracting him while he’s driving.  Right?  I ended up calling!  He was only 20 minutes away and was fine, coming from the clear side of the storm.


We’ve all seen the news reports showing the aftermath of terrible storms.  The footage of people’s homes completely destroyed.  Possessions strewn down streets and over lawns.  Cars demolished and even overturned.  Yet, the human spirit perseveres.  They are heartbroken, saddened, weary.  But they find the inner strength to get back up and rebuild. 


Why does the Bible use the analogy of a storm so many times?  I believe it is because it is something that we have no control over.  Storms are scary! We don’t know when it’s coming, and we don’t know when it will end.  We just have to shelter in place, pray and trust that God will see us through it.  We have to literally wait it out.  Not all storms end without human tragedy.  The loss of life is the ultimate heartbreak. 


Storms can leave as quickly as they came.  It seems almost surreal the day after a storm when the sun is shining so brightly and the sky is so clear.  Did yesterday really happen?  Yes, it did.  When a big storm is predicted and approaching, weathercasters tell us to be prepared, take caution, stay home, etc.  It’s when we’re not prepared that the storms of this life will surprise us and rip us from our foundation.  The title scripture uses the storm analogy to say that the righteous will be able to endure.  The righteous will stand firm in their faith in the Savior.  The righteous understand that the calamities of this earthly life are just temporary, no matter how terrible they are.  We understand that this will pass.  And when that final day comes, it, too, will sneak up on us like a storm in the night.


Mark 13:32-33 says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.”


Nature’s storms come in many different forms: rain, wind, ice and even dust (if you live in West Texas, you know what I mean.) Life’s storms also come in many different forms: sickness, financial failure, job loss, death of a loved one and even a terrible thunderstorm. 


Are you prepared?  If you are counted as righteous, you are.  Take heart!  When the sun shows its face the next day, so will the Son.


Have a sunny week!



Thank you for your words. This is the first time I have seen your posts. And I found it from a friends share just after another friend had posted and I shared this…
“May you be honest with God about the hurts in your heart. May you discern the difference between grief and self-pity. May you be okay with not always being okay. God will one day wipe away every tear from your eyes, but until then, He wants to help you walk this journey with peace in your heart and assurance in your soul. He is with you. He will heal you. He will one day turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into songs of joy. In the meantime, enjoy the little graces you find along the way. Celebrate the small victories. Dare to dream. Take one step at a time. You’re going to be okay.”
~ Susie Larson borrowed this from a friend <3

It was meant for me to see these words this morning. I went through…am still going through the worst time of my life. I lost my 21 year old son to suicide on May 5, 2016. It was and will probably always be the worst day of my life. It is a long story but there were no warning signs really. Praise the Lord I can say he was saved at a young age. He was a wonderful young man and loved with all of his heart.
Thank you for your post. I will be following now.
May God bless you for sharing your heart.

Jun 19, 2017

Ron Hunle:

Thank you for today devotional.

Jun 15, 2017

Ronda Clevenger:

Love your writing style!
Looking forward to other devotionals.
~ rkc / from KY

Jun 14, 2017

Laura Costa:

Thank you so much for that very inspiring message. It makes you feel so good to know that God is with you through every storm.

Jun 14, 2017


Thank you for your words of encouragement. My family is going through a very hard time due to a very serious illness. We know that this illness is in our Good Lord’s hands and we accept this. Prayer is always the best medicine. Please remember us in your prayers. Thank you again.

Jun 14, 2017


Thank you for your words of encouragement. My family is going through a very hard time due to a very serious illness. We know that this illness is in our Good Lord’s hands and we accept this. Prayer is always the best medicine. Please remember us in your prayers. Thank you again.

Jun 14, 2017


Thank you for the wonderful message and reminder. There have been many storms—both weather and in life—that in looking back, there is only one reason I made it through in one piece. Every day I try, and fall short (especially that forgiveness thing), but knowing He understands. He doesn’t expect perfection, it’s the trying and growing that counts.

Jun 13, 2017

Peggy Knecht:

What a beautiful devotional! It is so relevant to the world. today. AMEN!!!

Jun 13, 2017


Missy, your words are so inspiring. Thank you! As I’m reading your message the rain and thunder is coming down right now here in Indiana. I’m welcoming the storm today since the weather has been very hot and humid and the Lord can bring refreshing in the midst of the storms. I pray a spirit of refreshing upon all my beautiful sisters today. Thank you for this forum to be able to share with each other. God bless you!

Jun 13, 2017

Gabrielle Palmer:

This life is really hard and sometimes we feel completely beaten and hopeless I’m grateful that even in those times I can cry and scream and speak what I feel but God is still there and sometimes when the storm passes I’m able to look back and see more clearly where he was in the midst of it. That’s when I have to apologize for some of the yelling and crying haha! Thanks for this, it’s a good reminder of how small we are and to trust God.

Jun 13, 2017

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